FAT MAN, THIN MAN, FATTER MAN...GOOD GRIEF!! I have been "overweight" or whatever other descriptive you care to use to call me fat, most all of my life with occasional spurts of weight loss. I've been up and down the scale several times, (mostly up) and have gained and lost over 300+ pounds in my life. However, I've begun to see myself as more than just a "fat" person...it gets easier to take on a different outlook when one doesn't fight for every breath, or have joints scream in pain every time you move. For the story of what got me to this point please click on the page: "HOW DID I GET HERE?"

All images taken from the Internet and assumed to be in the public domain, unless otherwise noted. If you believe an image infringes your rights in any way then please inform me and I will remove it swiftly.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Obviously I have a life outside of working on losing weight. I really love stories especially “love stories” and I wanted to share this one:

The Ten Cow Bride

Once, there was a man with two daughters who lived out in the country by a small village. The man was barely able to provide for his family as a farmer, but he always had the aspiration that some day he would be able to be a rich man. Now the oldest daughter was by far the fairer of the two.

As such, she was the apple of her father’s eye and enjoyed high status in the family. On occasions, her father would send her into the village on errands. As she walked down the dirt streets, men would stop their work and gaze at her, memorized by her charm and beauty. And they would daydream, as all young men do, that one-day they would be able to ask for her hand in marriage. But with a heavy sigh, they would return to their chores, realizing that it was only a dream. For you see, her dowry was worth ten cows and none of them had a single cow to their name.

The youngest daughter was not as pretty as her older sister was and she lived constantly in her sister’s shadow. To her were assigned the menial tasks of feeding and caring for the farm animals, the cooking and cleaning of the house. The sun had left tracks on her weathered face and in her hands and feet she wore the reminders of hard, manual labor. Even though her dowry was worth only 2 cows, she realized that no man in the village would pay her any attention until her older sister married. She was not showered with affection from her father for she was only a stepdaughter.

One day, a stranger appeared in the quiet village. He was a man of means for he stayed at the best inn and every night he held lavished parties as he entertained his friends. But no one knew who he was for he chose not to reveal his name and the villagers simply referred to him as “the rich man”. As the days slowly passed in the sleepy village, he let it be known that he was seeking a woman to marry. He sent messengers to spread the news throughout the countryside that he was throwing a feast for all the people. He invited everyone to come, rich or poor, and he announced that he would be selecting a woman to be his bride that night. Upon hearing the news, the father of the oldest daughter was filled with joy.

Here, at last, was the opportunity for which he had been waiting. Here was the means by which he could increase his wealth and thereby attained some status in the village. On the night of the feast, the father was present with his oldest daughter. Never had she looked as beautiful as she did that night. At long last, it was the father’s turn to present his daughter before the rich man. “Have you ever seen such a fair woman as this one”, he exclaimed with joy. “Why, she is the envy of every woman in this village. Just look at her hands, her feet, and her face. She is worth of a king’s ransom.” “Yes, you are right in what you say”, exclaimed the rich man as he slowly looked her over. Finally, his eyes rested on hers with a gaze that seemed to penetrate into her very soul. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed her, turned to the father and said, “You have another daughter. Bring her to me.”

“But my friend,” exclaimed the father with disappointment in his voice, “surely you are joking. I have brought before you the fairest woman in the land. And her dowry is worth only ten cows.” But try as he would, he could not persuade the rich man to change his mind.

Sadly he walked back to his farm, realizing that his opportunity to reach a level of high status in the village had slipped away. In a short time he returned with the youngest daughter. With her head hanging low, she stood before the rich man. She was filled with such shame over her common appearance that she dared not look into his face.

The rich man arose from his chair and slowly walked towards her. Standing before her, he took her hands in his. With the tenderness of a mother caressing her newborn baby, he caressed her callous hands. He kneeled before her and caressed her mud covered feet. Upon rising to his feet, he took her face in his two hands and gazed into her eyes.

“How much for your daughter?” he asked the father. “My friend, she is worth only two cows,” exclaimed the father. “I will give you ten cows,” replied the rich man.

The father was filled with joy, the oldest daughter with grief and the youngest daughter didn’t know what to think.

With the skill of a jeweler polishing a rough stone, the rich man worked to develop the character of his new bride. With patience, love, and understanding, he slowly peeled back the layers of low self-esteem and doubt from the young girl. Sensing the great love and admiration from her husband, the bride responded in like manner towards her benevolent benefactor. Over time, she opened up to reveal the true character that the rich man had seen in her eyes. It was like the opening of a rose bud to reveal all the splendor and glory of a beautiful, red rose; like the beauty of the first spring flower awakening after a long winter’s nap; like moonbeams kissing the sea on a sultry, tropic summer night; like the intoxication of an ocean sunset.

Moral of story: Love needs no justification for existence. It merely seeks some one to receive it. Where love is freely given, hope grows eternal.

Come to think of it there is a weight loss angle to this story. My wife of 28 years has stood by me through a lot of “thick” and not so much “thin.” She also has looked into my eyes and found something of value beyond my being morbidly obese. She’s my number one cheerleader, and it is safe to say I wouldn’t be half the man I am without her! How’s that for a play on words??

Get it? Half the man…oh never mind! 

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