FAT MAN, THIN MAN, FATTER MAN...GOOD GRIEF!! I have been "overweight" or whatever other descriptive you care to use to call me fat, most all of my life with occasional spurts of weight loss. I've been up and down the scale several times, (mostly up) and have gained and lost over 300+ pounds in my life. However, I've begun to see myself as more than just a "fat" person...it gets easier to take on a different outlook when one doesn't fight for every breath, or have joints scream in pain every time you move. For the story of what got me to this point please click on the page: "HOW DID I GET HERE?"

All images taken from the Internet and assumed to be in the public domain, unless otherwise noted. If you believe an image infringes your rights in any way then please inform me and I will remove it swiftly.

Friday, August 20, 2010


MySpace Encouragement Quotes Comments

Generally speaking, I think most people drink from the milk of human kindness. If people know you are trying to lose weight, it’s not too hard for most folks to put in an encouraging word.

I really appreciate the compliments I receive, and they can really make my day. Sometimes that word of encouragement makes the difference between staying on course or veering off the runway.

I don’t think anyone ever gets tired of hearing good things about themselves and getting appropriate recognition. Especially when you’ve been really trying to lose weight.

According to Dale Carnegie, the sweetest word in anyones ear is their own name.

I’m not talking empty flattery here, but let’s be sincerely on the lookout for those who could stand to hear some encouraging dieting words. YOU! could be the one standing in the way of someone falling off the cliff of overeating oblivion.

For that matter, most people are dealing with some sort of problem or stress everyday…it may seem insignificant from the outside looking in, but let me ask you…are your problems insignificant to you?

I didn’t think so.

Putting a smile on someones face everyday is guaranteed to put one on yours!

Of course some people cause smiles whenever they walk into a place, others get more smiles when they leave…I’m just sayin’.

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