Yesterday I was on the phone talking with one of my weight loss mentors, Jennifer, the director of Mercy Weight Loss Center.
This was not an “official” call; we were just chit-chatting a little bit about weight loss in general. We talked about weight loss for a lifetime and what it takes to maintain the weight one has already lost. She asked me if I had any trouble areas.
I brought up that I’ve found that there are certain foods I’m not sure I will try to eat for a long time and that even certain “legal” foods can be troublesome. I mentioned that I had been “jonesing” for cottage cheese this week, and that I have a hard time limiting myself to the proper portion size even though it is an entirely good food choice for those managing their weight. I told her I had decided to limit myself to one carton of low fat cottage cheese per week in order to maintain control over it rather than the opposite.
I told her the main issue I have, is I still want to eat whatever I want in the quantities I want and still remain healthy and at the proper weight.
She asked me about other cravings and what foods I would eat if I could eat anything?
That set me back a little.
What if I could eat anything I wanted without any worries of weight gain or health issues?
Maybe she’s done this before and this is a common question she asks her patients who are at the point I am in weight management because she really asked a great question! One I've really had to think about!
I had a hard time answering her. I mumbled something about a local pizza called “Jerry’s” (simply the BEST!) but that’s all I had.
We concluded our phone call shortly after and I’ve been asking myself that question now for 24 hours. What would I eat if I could eat anything I wanted?
Early on in this process I used to kiddingly complain to my dietitian, Megan how I really, really NEEDED bacon, but I’ve had some pre-cooked bacon in the fridge for about 4 weeks now and haven’t had a slice yet. We purchased it for some BLT’s when the tomatoes were running super fresh in the garden, but I elected to pass on that ingredient.
I guess I didn’t need it all that much after all.
I can be my own worst enemy when it comes to food and feeling deprived. I’ve been known to throw a pity party or two. I’ve really tried to train myself to think differently about food and cravings in general. There are so many good choices in America when it comes to nutritious food…I can usually talk myself into a better choice when deciding what I will or won’t eat.
Next post I’ll talk further about my personal “red light” foods that give me trouble.
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