FAT MAN, THIN MAN, FATTER MAN...GOOD GRIEF!! I have been "overweight" or whatever other descriptive you care to use to call me fat, most all of my life with occasional spurts of weight loss. I've been up and down the scale several times, (mostly up) and have gained and lost over 300+ pounds in my life. However, I've begun to see myself as more than just a "fat" person...it gets easier to take on a different outlook when one doesn't fight for every breath, or have joints scream in pain every time you move. For the story of what got me to this point please click on the page: "HOW DID I GET HERE?"

All images taken from the Internet and assumed to be in the public domain, unless otherwise noted. If you believe an image infringes your rights in any way then please inform me and I will remove it swiftly.

Friday, October 29, 2010

I'M HUNGRY - - - - FOR LOVE???

I am a lot thinner than I was.

Not to say I have "arrived"...I'm never going to not have to manage my weight until I stop eating...permanently.  But that's a subject for another post.

I geuss you can say that I was under the false assumption that by getting thinner and healthier my demons would otherwise give me time off for good behaviour.


I'm still just a mixed up little boy inside, who wants to:

A. Solve all problems with food.

B. Deny having any problems by eating food to forget about them.

C. Refuse to understand my fears and bad feelings and drown the incessant clamoring of a poor self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of loneliness, and forgetting the tough parts of growing up by eating.

D. All of the above (and): "BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!"

Yes I'm sure there is more...but I'm a guy, be patient, just to admit I have feelings is a BIG step!

I've spent my whole life eating so I didn't have to feel anything.

I consider it a victory of sorts that I can admit to feeling.

Ok, that's a little "tongue in cheek" but not terribly far off. 

I've been reading the book pictured above and finding that if I'm honest, I can relate to much of what I've read so far.  I've freely admitted here and to my peers and family that I "eat my emotions."  

However, intellectually knowing something is wrong with you is far different than emotionally accepting  that one is really goofed up!


Reminds me of a poem about mental illness I heard once:

"Roses are red,
                Violets are blue,
I'm a schisophrenic,
                    And so am I!" 

I am a work in progress...(hopefully it's progress!)

Or maybe I'm just a piece of work?

And speaking of work, I have worked hard to lose the weight AGAIN! 

I'd really like to get fixed now...PLEASE???

Don't touch that dial.........!

For more about "Love Hunger" please click on the link below.


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