FAT MAN, THIN MAN, FATTER MAN...GOOD GRIEF!! I have been "overweight" or whatever other descriptive you care to use to call me fat, most all of my life with occasional spurts of weight loss. I've been up and down the scale several times, (mostly up) and have gained and lost over 300+ pounds in my life. However, I've begun to see myself as more than just a "fat" person...it gets easier to take on a different outlook when one doesn't fight for every breath, or have joints scream in pain every time you move. For the story of what got me to this point please click on the page: "HOW DID I GET HERE?"

All images taken from the Internet and assumed to be in the public domain, unless otherwise noted. If you believe an image infringes your rights in any way then please inform me and I will remove it swiftly.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


It used to be that I would drive around a parking lot a few times to find the space closest to the front door of the establishment I wanted to go to. When I was heavier, it took a lot of effort to move myself from point A to point B. Given the trouble with my joints, and knees in particular, I always searched for the shortest point between my car and “wherever”.

Anytime we were out running erands together, I often would wait in the car for my wife if she thought she’d be less than 15 minutes in the store. It wasn’t worth my slowing her down with the slow crippled shuffle I had developed nor was it worth me suffering joint pain for the shorter shopping trips.

These downward changes in my mobility developed slowly over time. One day it occurred to me as I was sitting inside Barnes & Noble waiting for the rest of my family to finish shopping the whole mall that I hadn’t seen the rest of the mall (except for the food court!) in quite a long time!

The powered scooters at Walmart were beginning to look like a viable option for me!

Now… my wife and I pay to work out at the gym! We park clear across the parking lot from the entrance as that’s where the shade is for our van. It seems foolish that we spend anytime searching for a "close to the entrance spot" anywhere we go.

We want the excersise anyway!

It's really nice getting rid of some heavy thoughts, and even nicer to enjoy my new light living!

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