FAT MAN, THIN MAN, FATTER MAN...GOOD GRIEF!! I have been "overweight" or whatever other descriptive you care to use to call me fat, most all of my life with occasional spurts of weight loss. I've been up and down the scale several times, (mostly up) and have gained and lost over 300+ pounds in my life. However, I've begun to see myself as more than just a "fat" person...it gets easier to take on a different outlook when one doesn't fight for every breath, or have joints scream in pain every time you move. For the story of what got me to this point please click on the page: "HOW DID I GET HERE?"

All images taken from the Internet and assumed to be in the public domain, unless otherwise noted. If you believe an image infringes your rights in any way then please inform me and I will remove it swiftly.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


There's a story of identical twin brothers who were polar opposites of one another personality wise. 

Who ever has parented more than one child in their life will realize the truth of how different each child can be from one another.

One brother was always cheerful, choosing to always look on the bright side of things.  Never once did his parents ever witness him discovering the dark cloud in a silver lining. A "glass half-full" kind of fellow.

The other brother was a sad sack.  Pure and simple.  If anything could go wrong it probably would...for him.  He seems to be a trouble magnet. Not only is the glass not half-full, it is almost empty! 

Like I said...polar opposites.

Their parents were concerned for the imbalance they thought they perceived in their sons.  The one was too positive, the other too negative.  They brainstormed as to how they might temper each of their sons personalities.

They decided that at Christmas time, they would give the negative son everything on his wish list hoping to show him that good things do happen to him.

Conversely, they would only give a box full of horse manure to their positive son figuring that there was no way he could find any positive thing to say about his only gift (and a stinky one at that!)

Christmas morning the two boys each opened their gifts.  

The pessimistic boy opened each gift and was glum as glum could be.  This gift was too big, that gift was the wrong color, another gift would probably break within a week etc.  No matter how nice or expensive or longed for the gift was, Mr. Sad Sack was not happy.

Turning to their positive son, they hoped at least his constant upbeat attitude would be tempered by the box of manure.

Incredibly, once the box was opened, the positive son started smiling and yelling yippee, yippee! 

Stunned, the parents asked the positive boy what in the world he was cheering about with a box full of poo in his lap?

Cheerfully the boy replied, "With this much horse manure, I know there's gotta be a pony outside somewhere!!"

I find that I can be both of those boys.  

Super positive about weight management at one moment, pretty glum about weight management the next.

I am at war with myself.  It isn't pretty...it's real.

Some days are diamonds...some days are stones.

Now, wonder where that pony is?

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